One-Pager Mayo Clinic Division of Engineering

A one-pager is a single page of content, most often no larger than a letter or A4-sized sheet of paper. Because they have such broad uses, the content of a one-pager will depend on the needs and purpose that the document is serving.

One of my major projects at Mayo Clinic was to create several one-pager documents highlighting the Division of Engineering’s collaboration with high-visibility teams within the organization. DOE’s goal was to illustrate to the public the type of work they were doing with the intention that it’d inspire more requests for collaboration from surgical or research staff.

microfabrication laboratory Mayo Clinic

Draft Phase

The drafting phase began with gathering information and forming a story. Drafts were done in MS Word or Google Docs. Inputs like photos of staff or devices often left a lot to be desired, but while some areas of the document had constraints, I could at least make sure that the technical information was accurate and that the story told was compelling. I worked with staff to compile thoughts about past projects, and also sought feedback on drafts to ensure accuracy.

Published Document

After the draft document was finalized, I usually turned it over to the IT team to publish on the Division of Engineering’s Intranet homepage. I’ve taken the liberty here to create a stylized PDF to provide an idea of what the technical one-pager might look like on the website. These were very simple, humble presentations of DOE’s work.

Click on the image to open the one-pager PDF in a new tab.


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